Industry news

Celebrating the 63rd Anniversary of Vietnam Oil and Gas Industry Tradition Day (November 27, 1961 - November 27, 2024): The path for Petrovietnam to become a National Industry - Energy Group

Accompanying the ups and downs in the country's historical process, generations of "fire seekers" with bravery, intelligence ...

[VIDEO] Reportage: Vietnam's Oil and Gas Industry Develops Rapidly and Sustainably

On July 23, 1959, during his official visit to the Soviet Union, President Ho Chi Minh visited the Baku oil and gas industrial zone, Azerbaijan. Here, ...

Thai Binh 2 Thermal Power Plant continues the spirit of "One team - One goal"

Thai Binh 2 Thermal Power Plant continues the spirit of "One team - One goal" (PetroTimes) - Over the past two weeks, the working atmosphere ...

The 2024 Southern Oil and Gas Industry Sports Festival opens jubilantly

On the morning of August 10, the 2024 Southern Oil and Gas Industry Sports Festival organized by the Vietnam Oil and Gas Trade Union (VUTC) ...

Comrade General Secretary always encourages and believes in the development of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group and the team of Petroleum workers.

Comrade General Secretary always encourages and believes in the development of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group and its staff...

Thousands of people bustling to work on the 5th BDTT construction site of Dung Quat Oil Refinery

THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE HURRY WORKING ON THE 5TH BDTT CONSTRUCTION SITE OF DUNG QUAT Oil Refinery (PetroTimes) - Entering the first week of the...