Design, procurement, construction, installation and trial run of biological pit system at Nghi Son Refinery and Petrochemical Complex - Thanh Hoa

Design, procurement, construction, installation and testing of biological pit system at Nghi Son petrochemical complex - Thanh Hoa

PMS Company completed the project: Design, procurement, construction, installation, operation and trial run of the biological lake system at Nghi Son Refinery and Petrochemical Complex including the main items:
– The biological lake system includes 4 wastewater reservoirs with a total capacity of 51,000m3
– HDPE underground pipe system with a total length of 10 km
– Floating steel pipeline system with a total length of 1.5 km
– Wastewater pump system and water flow regulation valve in the lake
– Aquarium water filtration equipment system
– Lighting system around the lake and control system, fire alarm system
– Air conditioning system
- Substation….