Comrade General Secretary always encourages and believes in the development of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group and the team of Petroleum workers.

Comrade General Secretary always encourages and believes in the development of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group and the team of Petroleum workers.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong devoted his entire life to the revolutionary cause of our Party, our Country, and our People. Regardless of any position, he always pays special attention to the Oil and Gas industry, to the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam). New Energy Magazine - PetroTimes would like to quote some memories of the working sessions with General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong of comrade Pham Xuan Canh, former Standing Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, former member of the Group's Board of Directors to see the General Secretary's affection and concern for the Oil and Gas industry.

I am a lucky person and feel very honored to attend meetings and meetings chaired by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, discussing the development of the oil and gas industry and the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group. Those meetings exuded the common spirit that our General Secretary is very profound and very concerned, hoping for the development of the Oil and Gas industry and the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group.

During his meetings, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong always loved and trusted the development of the Oil and Gas industry, the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group and especially trusted our team of Oil and Gas workers. We will well implement the Party's policies and guidelines, and the State's legal policies to develop the Oil and Gas industry and the Group according to Uncle Ho's wishes and the Central Government's requirements.

Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong visited and encouraged Oil and Gas workers

I always remember the meeting of the Politburo when discussing the issue of oil and gas to create Resolution 41-NQ/TW dated July 23, 2015 on strategic orientation for the development of Vietnam's oil and gas industry until 2025, orientation to 2035. In the afternoon work program that day, in addition to oil and gas content, the Politburo also addressed a number of other important issues. But when the afternoon's working hours were almost over, there were still many comrades attending the meeting who continued to contribute opinions. The General Secretary who chaired the conference at that time said that given the position and role of the Oil and Gas industry and the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group, the Politburo spent the entire session listening, discussing and giving guidance. Strategic direction for industry development is essential. That is the deep concern of the Politburo and especially of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong personally.

In early 2018, I was joined by comrade Tran Si Thanh, then Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Group's Board of Directors, and comrade Nguyen Vu Truong Son, then General Director of the Group, to work and report directly. with the General Secretary in his office. At that time, the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group had just gone through a difficult period, so the work was very important. Comrade General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong attentively listened to our report on the Group's situation and oil and gas activities. Sometimes, comrades stop to ask more detailed questions about topics of interest. After we finished reporting, you kindly shared and encouraged our brothers and through us, conveyed our greetings, sharing, and encouragement to the team of Petroleum workers of the Petroleum Group. Vietnam. He expressed his confidence in the Oil and Gas industry and the team of Oil and Gas workers and believed that Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group would overcome previous shortcomings, limitations, and shortcomings to stand up and rise. , affirming his position and role and making a worthy contribution to the cause of building and protecting the Fatherland.

The General Secretary advised that the Group must always be united and reminded to attach importance to Party work and Party building work in enterprises in general and in the Group's operations in particular. Before leaving, the comrade also advised him to report any difficulties to him.

Those are very profound memories for me personally during my working meetings with Comrade General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

When there are resolutions and conclusions of the Central Committee and the Politburo, the Group's Party Committee promptly organizes conferences at different scopes to thoroughly grasp the guiding spirit of the Central Committee, the Politburo and the Politburo. of the General Secretary for the development orientation of the Oil and Gas industry and the Group.

The content of the resolutions, conclusions and instructions of the General Secretary are all concretized by action programs and work plans of the Party Committee Standing Committee, the Party Executive Committee and the Central Committee. can lead the Group in the process of implementing tasks.

Concretizing and thoroughly grasping the resolutions, conclusions, and directions of the Central Committee and the General Secretary is a key factor determining the success of oil and gas activities and of the National Petroleum Corporation. Vietnam.

With the attention of the Party and the State, especially the attention of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, we have Resolution 41 dated July 23, 2015 that the General Secretary on behalf of the Politburo sign. That resolution orients the development strategy of the Oil and Gas industry to 2025, vision to 2035 and recently Conclusion 76 of the Politburo on continuing to implement Resolution 41 and a number of subsequent directions for the Oil and Gas industry.

I believe that, with Resolution 41 and Conclusion 76, we have complete grounds to perform well the task of developing the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group.

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