PMS company is certified for its management system according to ASME standards

With the efforts and determination of the Board of Directors and all employees in the Company, after 02 years of implementing and building a management system according to ASME standards, undergoing training courses as well as many inspections and tests. The most rigorous assessment by experts from Lloyd's Register, June 16, 2016 PMS Company was officially certified by Lloyd's Register Verification in the United States for its management system according to ASME standards.

ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers) is the American Association of Mechanical Engineers, a popular standard and widely applied worldwide. The standard is applied to most technological equipment (vessels, tanks, tanks, pipes...) that are under pressure as well as pipes, control equipment, and flow dividers.

Successfully building a management system according to ASME standards will certainly improve competitiveness, affirm the position and sustainable development of PMS and is a strong and absolute commitment of the Company. PMS for all domestic and foreign customers in providing reputable high-tech services according to international standards in the coming time, meeting all the most demanding needs of customers.

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