PMS Company organized a meeting at the beginning of the Year of the Dragon 2024

On the morning of February 15, 2024 (ie the 6th day of the Lunar New Year), PMS Company held a meeting at the beginning of the year with all employees of the company.

Attending the meeting at the beginning of the year were Mr. Le Van Sy - General Director of PVMR Corporation, Ms. Do Thi Bich Hong - Deputy General Director Director of PVMR Corporation - Chairman of the Board of Directors of PMS Company, Mr. Nguyen Hong Lien - Deputy General Director PVMR Corporation, Mr. Do Manh Hung - Director and all employees of PMS Company

At the meeting at the beginning of the year, on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Company, Mr. Do Manh Hung - Director of the Company wished all employees and their families a new year of good health, An Khang and Prosperity, and wished PMS Company a successful new year. new benefit. At the same time, direct all employees of the Company to stabilize and focus on returning to all normal activities in a timely manner to serve all work requirements of the Company. Determined to best complete the set targets and goals.