Signing ceremony to hand over management work between the board of directors of PMS company

After completing the work handover period in the position of Company Director, on November 30, 2023, at the headquarters of PETROLEUM MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR JOINT STOCK COMPANY (PMS), the Memorandum Signing Ceremony took place. handover letter between Former Director Nguyen Hong Lien and PMS Director Do Manh Hung.

Attending the signing ceremony were Mr. Do Manh Hung - Director; Mr. Nguyen Hong Lien - Former Director, Board of Directors and representatives of departments of PMS Company.

Taking over the responsibility from his predecessor, on behalf of the Board of Directors and employees of the Company, Director Do Manh Hung expressed his gratitude to Former Director Nguyen Hong Lien for the contributions and achievements achieved with PMS. and best wishes for new successes in your new position. Director Do Manh Hung also pledged to do his best to work with the Board of Directors and all PMS employees to continue the tradition and successes of the Company in recent years to put PMS on the right track and increasingly develop. .

Immediately after that, the ceremony of signing the work handover record between Former Director Nguyen Hong Lien and Director Do Manh Hung took place under the witness of the Board of Directors and leaders of the Company's departments.